Picks of the month – February 2015

Posted by Gjermund Bjaanes on February 28, 2015

Welcome to Picks of the month, where I share a few things I have found useful the last month.

It can be anything from blog posts and software tools to books and techniques.

This is a new series called “Pick of the month”. Every month I will deliver a few picks of my favorite things that I want to share that month. The picks themselves can be almost anything. Software tools, books (technical as well as fictional), blog posts, resources and so on.

This month I have 3 picks.


#1 WebStorm

I have recently started doing a lot of web development, and I went around to look for some developer environments that I could thrive in. I have used IntelliJ IDEA before (and still do for work), so WebStorm was a natural choice. I did however try several other choices, but WebStorm seems like the best one yet (at least for me).

I love it because it’s fast, feature rich, cross-platform and have a great theme that I absolutely LOVE.

Check it out: https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/




#2 CodeSchool

Going along the learning web development theme, I want to pick my current learning platform. CodeSchool is a great place to get started with web development. They have plenty of high quality courses on web development (like a couple of great angular courses!).

Check it out: https://www.codeschool.com/



#3 Wunderlist

After using a lot of different productivity systems and tools, I am currently using a very simple and elegant tool called Wunderlist. It’s a list tool. You create lists and tasks. They have plenty of features I don’t really care too much about. Their winning point for me is simplicity, cross-platform and price (free). It’s quite easy to implement a simple GTD style productivity life style with this tool.

Check it out: https://www.wunderlist.com/


Follow me on Twitter: @gjermundbjaanes